TSP 4.5 Reference Manual, Subject index, PDF

※ このレファレンスマニュアルは名古屋大学大学院経済学研究科 和合肇先生の許可を得て掲載しています。

Linear Estimation

AR1     Linear regression with AR(1) serial correlation correction
BJEST   Box-Jenkins ARIMA estimation
BJIDENT Box-Jenkins ARIMA identification
CORR    Makes a correlation matrix
COVA    Makes a covariance matrix
INST    Instrumental variables estimation / 2SLS
KALMAN  Kalman filter estimation
LAD     Least Absolute Deviations estimation
LIML    Limited Information Maximum Likelihood estimation
LMS     Least Median of Squares estimation
MOMENT  Computes uncentered moment matrix
MSD     Computes means, standard deviations, mins, maxes, etc.
OLSQ    Ordinary least squares (linear regression) estimation
PANEL   Panel data estimation (within, variance components, etc.)
PRIN    Principal components
VAR     Vector AutoRegression estimation
PDL     Polynomial Distributed Lags

Nonlinear Estimation and Formula Manipulation

3SLS    3-Stage Least Squares
ARCH    Estimates GARCH-M models (AutoRegressive Conditional Het.)
CONST   Defines constant (fixed) scalar variables
DIFFER  Differentiate an equation (analytically)
EQSUB   Substitutes one or more equation(s) into another
FIML    Full Information Maximum Likelihood estimation
FORM    Makes an equation from a previous regression or a list of series
FRML    Defines an equation
GMM     Generalized Method of Moments estimation
IDENT   Defines an equation for a FIML identity
LSQ     General nonlinear least squares multiequation estimator
PARAM   Defines estimable scalar variables (parameters)
SUR     Seemingly Unrelated Regressions
Nonlinear     Nonlinear options

Qualitative Variable and General Maximum Likelihood Estimation

LOGIT   Conditional and/or multinomial logit estimation
ML      General maximum likelihood estimation
NEGBIN  Negative Binomial estimator -- count data with overdispersion
ORDPROB Ordered Probit estimator
POISSON Poisson estimator -- count data with equidispersion
PROBIT  Probit estimator -- 0/1 dependent variable with normal error term
SAMPSEL Sample selection estimator -- probit and regression equation
TOBIT   Tobit estimator -- 0/+ dependent variable

Forecasting and Model Simulation

ACTFIT  Compares actual and fitted series with Theil statistics
BJFRCST Box-Jenkins ARIMA forecasting
FORCST  Forecast using the previous regression coefficients
MODEL   Determines the order of solution of a set of equations
SIML    Simulation of general nonlinear systems of equations
SOLVE   Simulation of large (usually sparse) systems of equations

Data Transformations

CAPITL  Computes a capital stock from an investment series
CONVERT Changes a series from one frequency to a new frequency
COPY    Makes a copy of a variable with a new name
DELETE  Marks variables for removal from the symbol table
DIVIND  computes Divisia price and quantity indices
DUMMY   Creates dummy (zero/one) variables
GENR    Generates a new series using general transformations
LENGTH  Determines the length of a list
LIST    Gives a single name to a list of TSP variables
NORMAL  Normalize a series (usually an index) to a given value in one period
RANDOM  Random number generator
RENAME  Changes the name of a variable
SAMA    Seasonal adjustment by moving average
SET     Stores a new scalar or subscripted var. using general transformations
SORT    Sorts one or more series or computes rank ordering
TREND   Creates linear trend variable

Moving Data to/from Files

CLOSE   Closes a data or output file
DBCOMP  Compresses a databank
DBCONV  Converts an old databank to current format
DBCOPY  Converts TSP databank to portable format
DBDEL   Deletes variables from a databank
DBDUMP  Prints debug information on current databanks
DBLIST  Shows contents of TSP databanks
DBPRINT Prints all series in a TSP databank
FETCH   Reads microTSP format databank files
IN      Search TSP databanks
INPUT   Reads TSP commands from an external file
KEEP    Marks variables for storage on a TSP databank
OUT     Causes automatic storage of new variables in databanks listed
OUTPUT  Directs output to a file instead of the screen
READ    Reads data from a file or from the command stream
RECOVER Recovers lost program from INDX.TMP file
RESTORE Restores TSP variables from a SAVE file
SAVE    Saves all current variables in a file
STORE   Writes microTSP-format databank files
TERMINALRedirects output to screen instead of to file
WRITE   Writes data to a file or to the screen/printout
Format     Formats for READ/WRITE (Fortran style)

Control Flow

CLEAR   Restarts interactive TSP, without saving backup file
COLLECT Collect a group of TSP commands to execute
DO      Loops over range of values or group statements
DOT     Loops over list of names, substituting current name for . (period)
ELSE    Part of IF/THEN/ELSE control block
END     Terminates TSP program or data section
ENDDO   Terminates a DO loop
ENDDOT  Terminates a DOT loop
ENDPROC Terminates a PROC
EXEC    Executes (or re-execute) a range of lines
EXIT    Terminates current mode
GOTO    Transfers control to a new line
IF      Part of IF/THEN/ELSE control block
LOCAL   Marks variables as local to a PROC
PROC    Defines a user procedure
QUIT    Stops TSP
STOP    Stops TSP
THEN    Part of IF/THEN/ELSE conditional structure

Editing Commands and/or Data

ADD     Adds a list of arguments to the previous command and re-executes it
DROP    Drops argument(s) from the previous command and re-executes it
EDIT    Simple command editor
ENTER   Interactive data input with prompting
RETRY   Edits previous command and reexecutes it
UPDATE  Replaces observations of a series

Display and Diagnostics

ASMBUG  Prints debug output during parsing of TSP input
COMPRESSRemoves deleted or internal variables and frees up working space
DATE    Prints the current time and date, or stores elapsed seconds in scalar
DEBUG   Prints debug output during execution of TSP commands
DIR     List contents of disk directory
DOC     Adds documentation/descriptions to variables
DUMP    Prints internal TSP common blocks
FIND    Lists all lines containing a given command
GRAPH   Graphs one series against another
GRAPH   Graphs one series against another (PC/Mac)
HELP    Command descriptions and syntax summaries
HELPR   Information from TSP 4.0 Reference Manual (VAX/VMS only)
HIST    Produces histograms (frequency distributions) of series
NAME    Puts jobname and title into output page headers
NOPAUSE Turns interactive output paging/pausing off
PAGE    Starts a new page in printout
PAUSE   Turns interactive output paging/pausing on
PLOT    Plots several series against time
PLOT    Plots several series against time (PC/Mac)
REVIEW  Lists range of TSP command lines
SHOW    Lists info on variables by type
SYMTAB  Debug version of SHOW
SYSTEM  Temporary exit to operating system without losing TSP session
TITLE   Print a string in page header or with stars
TSTATS  Prints a table of names, coefficients, and t-ratios
USER    User-programmable command (calls USER subroutine)


FREQ    Set the seasonal frequency for a TSP run
NOPLOTS Turns off regression plots of residuals/fitted values and CUSUM
NOPRINT Turns off the data echoing in a LOAD section
NOSUPRESEnables printing of selected output
OPTIONS Sets various options on printing, plotting, and matrix inversion
PLOTS   Turns on regression plots of residuals/fitted values and CUSUM
SELECT  Restricts the set of observations to those meeting a condition
SMPL    Sets the sample of observations to be processed for series
SMPLIF  Same as SELECT, but is nested with previous SMPLIFs
SUPRES  Disables printing of selected output

Matrix Operations

MATRIX  Matrix algebra
MFORM   Form or reform a matrix
MMAKE   Makes a matrix by stacking series, matrices, or scalars
ORTHON  Orthonormalizes a matrix
UNMAKE  Splits matrix into columns or vector into scalars
YLDFAC  LDL' decomposition of symmetric matrix

Hypothesis Testing

ANALYZ  Makes standard errors/Wald test for functions of estimated parameters
CDF     Distribution functions and P-values
COINT   Unit root and cointegration tests
REGOPT  Controls printing and storage of regression diagnostics

Page by Hajime Wago 01/15/2000