

// Ordinary Least Square Method
decl cdf,ck,cnobs; // scalar (count, number of ...)
decl dr2,dr2_adj,ds2,dssr,dsst; // scalar (double)
decl mp,msigma,mx; // matrix
decl vb,ve,vpvalue,vse,vtvalue,vy,vyhat; // vector
 mx=<0;1;2;3;4>;  // X matrix: independent variable
 mx=ones(5,1)~mx; //          + constant term
 vy=<10;20;20;30;40>; // Y vector: dependent variable
 cnobs=rows(mx); // number of observations
 ck=columns(mx); // number of parameters (including constant term)
 cdf=cnobs-ck; // degrees of freedom for error
// Ordinary Least Square Estimates
 vb=invert(mx'*mx)*mx'*vy; // beta
 vyhat=mx*vb; // y-hat
 ve=vy-vyhat; // residual
 dssr=ve'*ve; // Sum of Squared Residuals
 mp=unit(cnobs)-(1/cnobs)*ones(cnobs,1)*ones(1,cnobs); // p=i-(1/n)11'
 dsst=vy'*mp*vy;  // sum of squares total for y: sst=y'py
 dr2=1-dssr/dsst; // r-squared 
 dr2_adj=1-(dssr/cdf)/(dsst/(cnobs-1)); // adjusted r-squared
 ds2=dssr/cdf; // s^2
 msigma=ds2*invert(mx'mx); // s^2*(x'x)^{-1}
 vse=sqrt(diagonal(msigma))'; // standard error of beta_hat
 vtvalue=vb./vse;                   // t-value for H0:beta=0
 vpvalue=2*tailt(fabs(vtvalue),cdf);// p-value for H0:beta=0
 println("%c", {"x","y","yhat","residual"},
         "%c",{"est. coeff.", "std. err.","t-value", "p-value"},
 println("%c",{"R^2", "R^2-adj."},
 println("estimated variance of error:",ds2);
 println("estimated covariance matrix of beta_hat:",msigma);


            x            y         yhat     residual
      0.00000       10.000       10.000 -7.1054e-015
       1.0000       20.000       17.000       3.0000
       2.0000       20.000       24.000      -4.0000
       3.0000       30.000       31.000      -1.0000
       4.0000       40.000       38.000       2.0000

        est. coeff.    std. err.      t-value      p-value
beta0        10.000       2.4495       4.0825     0.026548
beta1        7.0000       1.0000       7.0000    0.0059863

          R^2     R^2-adj.
      0.94231      0.92308
estimated variance of error:
estimated covariance matrix of beta_hat:
       6.0000      -2.0000
      -2.0000       1.0000